M8 Feminized
M8 Feminized
Auflowering M8

Mate Feminized Seeds


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Mate Feminized Cannabis Seeds

Mate feminized is a Spanish strain that is both very powerful and good yielding. With an energetic impact and relaxing effects, it is a strain that can help combat depression.  Mate has a citrus aroma with a hint of exotic flowers.

Powerful effect. Therapeutic use. It reduces stress, increases appetite and stimulates the mind. Sweet and citrus flavor. Unmistakable acid strawberry and lemon citrus touch. Scented and earthy notes. Pleasure for the senses. Variety that very few have had the pleasure of tasting at its origin. Mate is essential.

Variety of unknown origin. Plant of average size, regular foliage and great vigor. Delivers large and abundant flowers. Plant for any type of cultivator. Fast growth, good performance. High resistance Perfect combination.  Mate is a high yielding strain, both indoors and outdoors. Indoors is a plant that should be well controlled due to the sativa character of its genetics and production can reach 550 grams per square meter.  Outdoors is a strain that grows taller and its yield can reach 1000 grams per plant.

Mate prefers the outdoors or a large grow area where it can reach its maximum sativa dominant potential in both height and yield.  With a conic structure and long spongy, resinous flowers, Mate is sure to find a spot in every grower’s garden.  We have to add that it is a resistant plant, so it will stand up well to pests and excess moisture.

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[wp_charts width=”80%” title=”CBD” type=”doughnut” align=”alignleft” margin=”5px 20px” data=”40,20″ colors=”#F38630,#E0E4CC”]



[wp_charts width=”80%” title=”YIELD” type=”doughnut” align=”alignleft” margin=”5px 20px” data=”30,30″ colors=”#F38630,#E0E4CC”]


500g-550g / plant

[wp_charts width=”80%” title=”FLOWERING” type=”doughnut” align=”alignleft” margin=”5px 20px” data=”20,40″ colors=”#F38630,#E0E4CC”]


63 Days

[wp_charts width=”80%” title=”INDICASATIVA” type=”doughnut” align=”alignleft” margin=”5px 20px” data=”18,42″ colors=”#F38630,#E0E4CC”]



[wp_charts width=”90%”  title=”Effects” type=”radar” align=”aligncenter” margin=”1px 4px” datasets=”30,35,45,45,30″ labels=”HAPPY,EXCITED,EXHILARATED,CALM,SOCIAL” colors=”#F38630″ scaleoverride=”true” scalesteps=”5″ scalestepwidth=”10″ scalestartvalue=”0″]


[wp_charts width=”90%”  title=”medical” type=”radar” align=”aligncenter” margin=”1px 4px” datasets=”40,50,25,30,20″ labels=”STRESS,DEPRESSION,PAIN,APPETITE,FATIGUE” colors=”#96CE7F” scaleoverride=”true” scalesteps=”5″ scalestepwidth=”10″ scalestartvalue=”0″]