Haze Autoflower Cannabis Seeds
Haze Autoflower is a very popular sativa-dominant hybrid that derives both its potency and its powerful aroma from two prestigious parents: it is a cross between sativa hybrid Silver Haze and pungent Skunk. With a memorable flavor profile and a long-lasting, well-balanced high to boot, this bud is an asset to indica and sativa fans alike.
Haze is another well-known strain from the 1970s. It is sometimes referred to as the Original Haze or Neville’s Haze.
The “Haze Brothers,” two cannabis growers centered in Northern California who specialized in producing and controlling intense sativas, developed this variety for the first time. They played with a bunch of various cannabis varieties, including Acapulco Gold, Colombian Gold, and some Indian and Thailand land-race strains.
At the start of the 80’s, the breed was almost extinct as growers were looking for easier types to operate with. Fortunately, a tiny sample of Haze plants went to Holland, where they were subsequently marketed through The Seed Bank.
Most sources agree that the seeds ended up in the hands of Neville Schoenmakers who kept the strain and started to cross it. Regardless of how Schoenmakers managed to secure the seeds, he is now considered to be the father of the original Haze, cherished by sativa lovers worldwide. The Haze he first got his hands on in Holland is still being enjoyed throughout the world today and has given birth to numerous other hybrids since then.
Haze autoflower is a happy high, excited type of high. Haze has been shown to help people suffering from stress and depression. It is a stalwart plant that can survive in colder climates, making it a popular strain. Novice growers will enjoy the simplicity of raising Haze autoflowering cannabis plants, which flower in 75 days from germination of the seeds.
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[wp_charts width=”80%” title=”CBD” type=”doughnut” align=”alignleft” margin=”5px 20px” data=”20,40″ colors=”#F38630,#E0E4CC”]
[wp_charts width=”80%” title=”YIELD” type=”doughnut” align=”alignleft” margin=”5px 20px” data=”30,30″ colors=”#F38630,#E0E4CC”]
70g-110g / plant
[wp_charts width=”80%” title=”FLOWERING” type=”doughnut” align=”alignleft” margin=”5px 20px” data=”30,30″ colors=”#F38630,#E0E4CC”]
75 Days
[wp_charts width=”80%” title=”INDICASATIVA” type=”doughnut” align=”alignleft” margin=”5px 20px” data=”24,36″ colors=”#F38630,#E0E4CC”]
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FrankieD –
Only bought 5 seeds and should have bought 20.